NO Game

The NO Game – Having FUN being told NO!

The NO Game – Having FUN being told NO!

Who says you can’t have fun in business while learning new skills? One week to stronger sales conversations!

Andrew Neitlich of the Center for Executive Coaching challenged us to play this game for a week. The premise…ASK for something in which you may get a NO answer. If you the person tells you NO, try asking it in three different ways until you either get NO three times or you get a yes. If end with NO, move on.

What can you ASK for?

Whatever you can think of…Some initial ideas to start the conversations…

  • May I have free fries?
  • May I have a complimentary dessert with dinner?
  • May I have a complimentary upgrade on my airline ticket?
  • Can you seat my associate next to me on the plane?
  • Can we have Thia curry tonight?
  • Would you like to watch a chick flick (horror, drama, action/adventure) tonight?
  • May I have some paper? (I used this one at the hotel recently.)
  • Do you mind promoting my program to your list?
  • Are you available to be interviewed on my webinar/podcast/telesummit?
  • Do you have 3 individuals who you could recommend me to in this area?

The list is only limited by your imagination…

What is the purpose of the game?

We sometimes get hung up on being told NO. In reality, NO helps us weed out the individuals who are not ready for us or do not VALUE our business. The sooner we can get to a YES or NO answer, the sooner we find our Clients.

The game is a fun way to start growing your ASK muscle. It also helps you not take NO personally.

Ask Game - we can do it

Comment below with the conversations that you tried…